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Safety and Security Information

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The Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires post-secondary institutions to provide timely warnings of crimes that represent a threat to the safety of learners or employees and to make public their security policies. It also requires that crime data be collected, reported, and disseminated to the College community. The Clery Act is intended to provide learners and their families with accurate, complete, and timely information about safety on instructional sites so they can make informed decisions. Such disclosures are permitted under FERPA. Because of the nature of its education delivery model, the College’s Operations Support Center (OSC) and the Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) sites are exempt from the Clery Act reporting requirements.

The following website provides more information about these and other provisions about campus safety:

Emergency Response and Evacuation

Nightingale College has implemented a comprehensive Emergency Notification System to alert and inform College community members in the event of an imminent threat to health and safety (e.g., severe weather conditions, active shooter, fire, etc.).

Upon confirmation from the College Safety Committee regarding a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health and safety of College community members, emergency notifications will be disseminated without delay to College community members via text message and email alerts, internal public-address system and an external siren (where applicable). The College’s executive management and other authorized College personnel issue notifications via the College’s Emergency Notification System. The text message system is a free subscription service for learners and staff to receive information directly to their text-enabled mobile phones in the event of an emergency or Supervised On-Ground Field Experiences (SOFE) site closure.

Emergency evacuation routes are conspicuously posted in each SOFE site. Additionally, various procedures for responding to emergencies can also be accessed on the learning management system (LMS) portal by clicking on “Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures.” College officials will conduct annual tests and exercises of emergency response and evacuation procedures to ensure an orderly response to incidents necessitating such measures and to evaluate the College’s emergency response and recovery capabilities. Tests will be announced in advance via email, the College’s website, and other available methods.

Crime Prevention

The College publicizes crime prevention information through its official publications and urges all members of the College community to be responsible for their own safety and to assist in the prevention of crime.

Physical Plant Facilities, Security and Crime Awareness at SOFE Sites

The College does not control any physical spaces at the Supervised On-Ground Field Experiential (SOFE) sites. Therefore, the maintenance of the physical plants and security services at each of the SOFE sites are under the purview of the College’s healthcare partners. The College encourages all persons to report criminal activity or any other concerns with a SOFE site to faculty and/or the appropriate law enforcement agency.

The College complies with the requirements of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Title IX, and Clery Act and will provide information on criminal activity to the law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the act occurs.

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