Experiential Learning (EL) Schedules
Download PDFThe College creates Experiential Learning (EL) schedules in partnership with healthcare agencies and, therefore, does not have complete control over the schedules, which are subject to multiple external factors. With the exception of PN and ASN learners, learners may enroll in only one (1) prelicensure nursing course with experiential learning components during any academic semester. The College cannot guarantee the times, days, particular faculty, placement in a specific EL site, or geographic area for Direct Focused Client Care (DFC) or integrative practicum (IP). Experiential learning may be scheduled during nights and weekends.
Regardless of their residence, learners may be required to travel to an assigned SOFE
site(s) located anywhere in the United States, during any semester in which the learner
is enrolled in a nursing course with a SOFE component. Travel may be scheduled at
any time during the semester. Typically, no experiential learning activities are scheduled
during the first week of an academic semester; however, facility-specific orientations
and make-up experiential learning activities may be scheduled.
Learners are responsible for transportation and lodging expenses associated with SOFE
travel. However, the College will pay learners’ SOFE-related regular travel expenses
if the following conditions are met:
- The learner matriculated into a prelicensure nursing program prior to Spring Semester 2023;
- The learner both resides within and was originally assigned to a specific SOFE area;
- The expenses were incurred during regular SOFE travel and were not incurred from a make-up session that was scheduled due to the learner’s absence from the previously scheduled SOFE session.
Learners may use the College’s contracted third-party travel vendor to make travel arrangements. Learners are encouraged to obtain traveler’s insurance to assist learners if an unforeseen event were to occur. Detailed information regarding the service will be provided during the semester in which travel is scheduled. Learners may not include travel costs on their learner account ledgers nor have these costs financed through the College. Specific SOFE area assignments are not guaranteed, and learners may be assigned anywhere within the United States.
DFC Schedules
Schedule Support will begin to distribute DFC schedules to learners during the third week of the academic semester. Learners assigned to travel for their DFC assignment will receive notification approximately one (1) month prior to the first day of the assigned DFC as site confirmation permits. Learners who are not traveling for their DFC assignment will receive notification approximately ten (10) days before the first day of the assigned DFC as site confirmation permits. Learners who are not traveling for their DFC SOFE assignments may be required to spend one to two (1-2) days per week for up to eight (8) weeks at their assigned site.
Placements may include breaks between scheduled on-ground days. For information about notification for rescheduled DFCs, see EL-DFC Absences During the Semester.
IP Schedules
Learners assigned to travel for their IP assignment will receive notification of their
IP schedules two (2) to four (4) weeks prior to the tentative start date when site
confirmation permits. Notification is based on site confirmation of schedule availability,
requirements, and learner capacity. Based on the requirements for the course in which
they are enrolled, learners who must travel to their assigned site may be required
to spend between four (4) to twenty-five (25) days in the assigned region. Learners
who are not traveling for their IP SOFE assignments may be required to spend two to
four (2-4) days per week for up to eight (8) weeks at their assigned site.
Note: The integrative practicum must be completed by the end of the semester to pass
the course. Learners will be assigned one integrative practicum in the last semester
of their program. An integrative practicum may not be rescheduled during the same
semester as the originally assigned integrative practicum.
Learners who cannot attend their integrative practicum may be required to complete the practicum the following semester. However, in rare circumstances, when scheduling the integrative practicum prior to the end of an academic semester is not feasible, learners may receive an I (Incomplete) in the course and may fulfill the remainder of the integrative practicum requirement by the end of the following semester.