Frequently Asked Questions
- What makes Nightingale College stand apart from other colleges?
- No Wait List!
- Personalized Attention/Dedicated Faculty – Staff and faculty committed to connecting with each learner on a personal level to facilitate learning.
- Virtual Reality Headsets—Realistic case-based experiential learning through virtual reality headsets and computer-based virtual simulation scenarios.
- Licensing Exam Preparation – Standardized exams, practice exams, NCLEX live reviews, individualized remediation plans, and a dedicated one-on-one NCLEX Success Coach.
- Distance Learning – Integration of technology-based learning tools such as high-fidelity simulation, interactive learning modules via the internet, and learning management systems that work together to form a modern educational approach, expanding the delivery of education.
- Advanced Placement – Advanced placement into the BSN Program available to all who qualify. Please contact the admissions department to learn more: admissionsreception@nightingale.edu
- Varied Learning Modalities – Didactic and experiential learning takes place through a variety of learning modalities to encourage the learning and development of concepts, skills, application, and reasoning. Click here for more information.
- What are the General Education (GE) requirements for admission into Nightingale College
You may view the General Education (GE) requirements for admissions in our College Catalog or speak with an admissions advisor to have an evaluation completed.
- How is acceptance into the program decided?
- An admissions advisor will meet with you to help you decide if you are a good candidate for the program you’re considering and if the program matches your needs.
- Your advisor will determine which Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) location or remote track would work best for you.
- Information on your application, commitment statement, and entrance standardized test score will be used to evaluate your suitability for the program.
- If you are accepted to the program, you’ll receive an acceptance letter.
Please see the current College Catalog for detailed admissions requirements.
- What is the cost of tuition?
The College Catalog lists the current tuition and fees amount that includes the cost of tuition, textbooks, fees, uniforms, supplies, some basic nursing equipment, and standardized testing. When you enter Level I or Advanced Placement of the ADN or BDN programs, charges include one-time costs.
Tuition is due on the first day of every semester, unless a different payment plan is arranged through the Learner Accounts or Financial Aid departments. Tuition is subject to change. Learners will be notified in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to any tuition increases.
- Does Nightingale College provide financial aid and other financial resources for learners?
Various types of financial aid are available to qualified learners
- Title IV Federal Financial Aid
- Veteran’s funding
- Private School Loans
- Tuition Reimbursement
- State Grant Assistance
All applicants will be required to meet with a financial aid advisor to determine financial aid needs.
- What programs does Nightingale College offer?
Practical Nurse Diploma Program (PN) - is designed to prepare you to apply for PN licensure and take the NCLEX-PN® exam. This program will teach you to demonstrate quality, competent, client-centered care, always bearing in mind the physical, spiritual, emotional, cultural, and environmental aspects of the client’s needs.
The LPN to ASN Program - is designed to prepare you to apply for RN licensure and take the NCLEX-RN® exam. The LPN to ASN Program curriculum plan meets the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) standards. NOTE: The LPN to ASN program is only offered in the following states: Iowa, Kansas, and Pennsylvania.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program (BSN) - is designed to advance your nursing skills and improve healthcare delivery. The blended-distance format allows learners to engage in online didactic instruction with on-ground experiential learning, organized into Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) Areas.
Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Nursing Program (RN-to-BSN) - is designed for Registered Nurses who want to elevate healthcare. For entrance into the RN-to-BSN Program, you must hold an active unencumbered nursing license.
Master of Science in Nursing for Educators (MSN ED) - designed for bachelor’s degree nurses who have passion to teach. You must hold an active unencumbered nursing license and a BS degree in nursing to qualify for this program.
Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practioner (MSN FNP) - designed for learners who already hold a bachelor’s degree in nursing. This program prepares graduates to become an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with specific emphasis on the role of Family Nurse Practitioner.
- How long are the programs offered at Nightingale College?
PN Diploma - The PN Diploma Program is designed to be completed in twelve (12) months, three semesters.
LPN-to-ASN Program - is designed to be completed within five (5) academic semesters.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program - The BSN Program is designed to be completed in thirty-two (32) months if the learner does not transfer credit for the required pre-requisite courses.
RN-to-BSN Program - The RN-to-BSN Program is designed to be completed in twelve (12) months, three semesters, if the learner has completed all pre-requisite courses. If the learner does not transfer credit for the required pre-requisite courses, the Program can be completed within twenty (20) months, five semesters.
MSN ED Program - The MSN ED program is designed to be completed in twenty (20) months, five semesters.
MSN FNP Program - The MSN ED program is designed to be completed in twenty four (20) months, five semesters.
Note: Program lengths are estimates and may vary depending on the number of transfer credits accepted (subject to Transfer Credit Evaluation approval), the learner's successful completion of course requirements, and other factors.
- Is Nightingale College accredited?
Institutional Accreditation
- Nightingale College is institutionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges
and Universities, which is an agency recognized by the United States Department of
Education. NWCCU was founded in 1917 and accredits institutions of higher education
by applying evidence-informed standards and processes to support continued improvements
and promoting student achievement and success.
For more information visit:
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
8060 165th Avenue NE, Suite 200
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: 425-558-4224
View Accreditation Letter
Programmatic Accreditation
- The bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in nursing at Nightingale College are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. For more information: https://www.aacnnursing.org/CCNE
The Practical Nursing (PN) Program and LPN-ASN Program offered via distance education at Nightingale College is accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20037. 202-909-2487. For more information: https://cnea.nln.org/
- Nightingale College is institutionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges
and Universities, which is an agency recognized by the United States Department of
Education. NWCCU was founded in 1917 and accredits institutions of higher education
by applying evidence-informed standards and processes to support continued improvements
and promoting student achievement and success.
- At the end of the program, can I take the national licensure exam?
As long as you meet all licensing board requirements, including graduating from a program that meets the education requirements for licensure in your state, you will be eligible to take the licensing exam. Please refer to the Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures page for information regarding your state and program. For further questions, contact your state's licensing board.
- Can I take the NCLEX-PN® exam at any time in the program?
In exceptional circumstances, some learners who successfully complete BSN 346 course in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program may apply for an LPN licensure by equivalency in Utah. To qualify for the equivalency waiver, you must live in Utah, pass the HESI RN Specialty: PN – BSN Mobility exam with a minimum HESI score of 900, and meet other requirements. For details, contact Learner Support Services.
- How often do I have to be at the Supervised On-Ground Field Experience (SOFE)?
Schedules depend on factors such as learner track, site schedules, and the availability of staff. Four to five consecutive days in a semester are typical for remote learners, and one to two non-consecutive days for several weeks in a row are typical for learners local to their SOFE sites, but these are only averages and your schedule may vary.
You will receive your schedule while you are enrolled in the relevant courses.
- Where are your sites located?
We have Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) sites in various locations throughout the country, and we're constantly adding more as we grow. Please speak with your Admissions Advisor for current information about sites in your area. Keep in mind that if you are a learner on the remote track, you may be sent to a SOFE site anywhere in the United States.
- How do I get started on the application process?
You can visit our website and apply online or make an appointment to speak with an Admissions Advisor by clicking here. To receive the application packet and to ask any other questions you may have, call 801-689-2160 to speak with admissions.
- Can a learner work during their program?
Although our programs are rigorous, the asynchronous delivery of the didactic portion of our courses allows for some flexibility.
However, you are encouraged to make school your highest priority. You will be expected to attend your assigned experiential learning activities as scheduled, so you will need to fit your other priorities around these activities. You may need to spend 50-60 hours per week in school activities to succeed.
- What would my salary be as an RN?
Salaries can differ from state to state or even city to city, but here is an estimate based on 2021 data in regions throughout the country.
*Obtaining a degree from Nightingale College does not guarantee licensure. Passing the NCLEX® is required for RN licensure.
- Does Nightingale College help me find a job when I’m done with the program and after
I have passed the NCLEX exam?
Nightingale College offers career services, but does not guarantee employment.
- Do I need a computer to do the program?
A computer with wireless capability and internet access is required for participating in online learning activities and completing course requirements. Although tablets and smartphones could be used, some required learning applications may not be compatible with all devices.
The College does provide technical assistance for issues related to computers. It is strongly recommended to have a laptop or computer.
- Where can I find the statistics of Nightingale College?
You can find the graduation rate, retention rate, first time pass rates, overall pass rates and placement rates HERE.
- What happens if I have to miss an experiential learning activity?
You are responsible to notify the Experiential Learning Coordinator of any absences prior to the scheduled shift where possible. You should also complete a schedule deviation form and submit documentation of the reason for your absence.
You may be assessed fees or be required to attend an assigned make-up session following an absence. If you fail to pay the fees or to make up your absences, or if you have a third cumulative absence in a semester, you’ll receive a failing grade in the course.
Wait! My question is not on here.
Nightingale College is ready to help you. If your question does not appear in our Frequently Asked Questions list and you just cannot find the answer, contact the specific department by calling (801) 689-2160 or by email at admissionsreception@nightingale.edu