Learner Credentialing
Download PDFLearner credentialing at Nightingale College consists of maintaining compliance with background checks, drug screening, immunizations, trainings, and other requirements specified by the College and Direct Focused Client Care (DFC) and Integrative Practicum (IP) sites assigned to the learner, to participate in Supervised On-Ground Field Experiences (SOFE). The College’s credentialing requirements are posted within the third-party vendor’s secure online portal. Learners are expected to maintain compliance with the third-party vendor throughout enrollment in the academic program and are responsible for all fees associated with the credentialing requirements.
To be eligible for continued enrollment in the program and matriculation through nursing courses, learners must complete all credentialing requirements as listed in the College Catalog or found within the third-party portal no later than forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the first day of the semester. In rare circumstances, a learner may request to add a course with a SOFE component upon completion of the credentialing requirements after the deadline but prior to the start of the semester; however, enrollment in the course is not guaranteed. Learners must maintain compliance with credentialing requirements while enrolled in any course that contains an on-ground component.
Credentialing requirements include, but are not limited to, the following items:
- Provide the required immunization and medical screening records (see below). Instructions for these items will be provided with the enrollment acceptance letter and must be submitted to the College’s third-party vendor. Learners are responsible for creating an account with the third-party vendor for submission of credentialing documents and for maintaining communication with the vendor to ensure continued compliance. Learners also are responsible for initiating the background check and drug screen processes through the third-party vendor. The College’s staff are unable to assist learners with completing this process.
- Provide a current American Heart Association Basic Life Support (CPR and AED) certification. Certification must be at the healthcare provider level (BLS) and must include an in-person component. Online-only certifications will not be accepted.
- Pay for, complete, and pass a criminal background check within 120, but no later than 45, days prior to the first day of the academic semester which includes the learner’s first course with the Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) components. Only background checks initiated by the third-party vendor are valid. Note: Certain SOFE sites may require additional background checks. Learners’ ability to be placed for a Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) may be impacted if their background check is flagged for findings within their report.
- Pay for, complete, and pass a 10-panel drug screening within 120, but no later than 45, days prior to the first day of the academic semester which includes the learner’s first course with the Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) components. Certain SOFE sites may require additional drug screenings. Learners’ ability to be placed for a Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) may be impacted if their drug screening is flagged for findings within their report.
Note: Enrolled learners will be classified as non-matriculated until all matriculation requirements are met. Failure to meet the requirements by the specified deadlines may result in the rescindment of the program acceptance and/or withdrawal from the College with the learner being responsible for payment of any earned tuition and fees.
Learners are expected to check compliance regularly throughout their enrollment in the program with the third-party vendor to ensure compliance. After the start of a semester, learners may be required to update or complete additional credentialing requirements. Depending on the assigned SOFE site requirements, these may include fingerprints, immunizations, screening processes, or other documentation. Schedule Support will email instructions for the completion of these requirements to learners.
Outcomes for failure to complete SOFE site credentialing requirements differ between Direct Focused Client Care (DFCs) and Integrative Practicum (IPs) as described below.
Outcomes for Failure to Meet DFC Credentialing Requirements
A learner scheduled at a DFC site with unique credentialing requirements must complete all requirements by the deadline(s) noted in email correspondence. Failure to complete credentialing requirements by the specified deadline may result in an absence for the scheduled DFC or a withdrawal from the course. The absence is subject to the EL-DFC Absences During the Semester policy.
Outcomes for Failure to Meet IP Credentialing Requirements
Learners who fall out of compliance are required to stop attending any IP activity until compliance is regained. Failure to complete credential compliance by the end of the semester will result in a grade of Incomplete for the course. Continued failure to resolve the compliance issues resulting in the Incomplete grade will result in a failing grade as stated in the policy for Incomplete grades in the Grades section of the Catalog.
Required Immunizations
Tuberculosis (TB) skin test
Nightingale College uses the most stringent requirements of our partner clinical sites to determine the standard for learner tuberculosis (TB) testing. As such, two-step TB skin testing or a negative TB blood test (interferon gamma release assay) is required prior to beginning the Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE). Prior to the first day of the academic semester in which the learner will begin his or her Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE), the learner must submit proof of a negative 2-step tuberculosis skin test (PPD test or a negative TB blood test completed within the past six months. Learners with a history of tuberculosis, a positive skin test, or vaccination with BCG will be required to submit a statement of medical clearance from a qualified healthcare provider that references a negative chest X-ray within the past 5 years or negative TB blood test (interferon-gamma release assay) within the past 4 years. In subsequent years following the first SOFE, learners must submit proof of a negative TB skin test on an annual basis, or a statement of medical clearance from a qualified healthcare provider, as described above.
Proof of immunity (serologic titer), or prior vaccination with two (2) doses of varicella vaccine, given at least four (4) weeks apart, is required. The titer must show a numerical value within the immunity range. Learners who do not develop immunity to varicella following two immunization series (confirmed with documentation of both series and two negative serologic titers), must provide a letter of explanation (verification of non-immunity) from their medical provider to continue enrollment in the prelicensure program.
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
Documentation of vaccination with two (2) doses of MMR given at least four (4) weeks apart or proof of immunity (serologic titer), is required. The titer must show a numerical value within the immunity range. Learners who do not develop immunity to measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) following two immunization series (confirmed with documentation of both series and two negative serologic titers), must provide a letter of explanation (verification of non-immunity) from their medical provider to continue enrollment in the prelicensure program.
Annual seasonal influenza (flu) vaccinations are required. Documentation must specify the current season to be accepted.
Proof of current full immunization, as indicated by the vaccine manufacturer, is required to attend any Supervised On-ground Field Experiences (SOFE). Individual SOFE sites may impose more stringent requirements for COVID vaccination.
Hepatitis B
Completed two- or three-dose immunization series and proof of immunity (serologic titer) are required. If beginning the HepB series, the learner must have evidence of the first dose 45 days before the academic semester which includes the learner’s first course with the Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) components and complete the series and proof of immunity (serologic titer) by the end of the second academic semester which includes courses with the Supervised On-ground Field Experience (SOFE) components. The titer must show a numerical value within the immunity range. Learners must remain on schedule with dosing to attend Supervised On-ground Field Experiences (SOFE). Learners who do not develop immunity to Hepatitis B following two immunization series (confirmed with documentation of both series and two negative serologic titers), must provide a letter of explanation (verification of non-immunity) from their medical provider to continue enrollment in the prelicensure program.
Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap)
Proof of completed childhood three (3)-dose immunization series, if available, and a Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) booster within the last ten (10) years are required; this must be renewed every 10 years. Some Supervised On-ground Field Experiences (SOFE) sites may require titers as
Note: In the interest of public safety, immunization exemptions only will be granted to learners who provide a statement of medical necessity from their medical provider. Failure to comply with the above requirements may jeopardize the learner's ability to attend Supervised On-ground Field Experiences (SOFE) and prevent continued enrollment in the Program. Additionally, some SOFE sites may not allow learners with immunization exemptions to attend SOFEs, which may delay these learners’ progress in the academic program.
Health Insurance
In compliance with the College’s clinical partners’ requirements, evidence of health insurance must be provided for all prelicensure learners. Learners without health insurance may be denied access to clinical facilities and therefore may be unable to complete prelicensure nursing programs. The learner assumes all financial responsibility associated with their healthcare.