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Course Catalog Resources

Learner Code of Conduct

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The College provides an educational environment designed to facilitate learning and academic and professional growth. Learners are coached in appropriate academic and professional role disposition throughout their enrollment at the College. Learners must abide by the published Learner Code of Conduct at all times.

The Learner Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that learners and collaborators have a clear and defined understanding of the rights and responsibilities afforded to a learner actively engaged with the College for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements for degree completion. Information on the Code of Conduct is disseminated through the College Catalog and provided to every learner through the learning management system (LMS) at the beginning of each semester.

Updates and clarification are disseminated through official means of communication for the College. Course syllabi and curricula may address minor violations of the Learner Code of Conduct and the Academic Integrity Policy but may not supersede this policy for violations whose impacts extend beyond the individual learner. For example, the syllabus may address immediate consequences for plagiarism, on-site expectations for experiential learning activities, etc. but those guidelines do not supersede the College’s Code of Conduct policies.

Any action by a learner, including, but not limited to, intimidation, discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, which infringes upon another learner’s rights as outlined in this policy, or interferes with the normal business of the College, is strictly prohibited and will be handled according to the appropriate procedures as outlined below.


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