Learner Experience
Academic Coaching
What is Academic Coaching
An academic coach is not simply someone helping with homework. Academic coaches at Nightingale College facilitate learning as a guide, mentor, and coach to assist learners in becoming confident, successful, and independent learners.
What Academic Coaching is not
Academic coaching is not a homework service. Nightingale College’s academic coaches will not do your homework for you. Instead they will help you understand the concepts so you can improve your mastery of course content. Academic coaching is also not a substitute for attending class. In order for you to get the most out of an academic coaching session, you must try to independently master course concepts. When you do need help, come prepared with specific concept questions.
Academic Coaching Options
Learners have access to free academic coaching services with options to fit your needs. Academic coaching is available to individuals or groups. Learners can participate in academic coaching by going to the Academic Coaching Center on myNightingale or by attending a live webinar. Learners may visit the Academic Coaching Center on myNightingale to see the schedule of available Academic Coaching or to schedule an individual session.
Visit Academic Coaching Dashboard
Subjects for Academic Coaching
- Academic Writing
- Statistics
- College Algebra
- Dosage Calc
- NCLEX Success
- Technology
- Resources/Research
- Academic Reading
- Study Skills
- Library and Research Skills
Schedule an Academic Coaching Session
Nightingale College provides all learners with free academic coaching that can be delivered either in person or online. To schedule an appointment with an academic coach, please refer to the Academic Coaching dashboard.
Visit Academic Coaching Dashboard
Academic Coaching Policies
All Nightingale College learners are expected to follow academic coaching policies as well as the Learner Code of Conduct as a courtesy to other learners and academic coaches. This is true for any type of coaching including but not limited to Coaching Chats, Study Halls, Face to Face appointments, and Webinars. Not following the policies may result in the forfeiture of academic coaching services.
Face-to-Face Sessions
- Be on time!
- Academic coaches will wait no more than 10 minutes for a session to begin. After 10 minutes, your session will be recorded as a “No- Show.” As a courtesy to other learners, if you are late to your session, but within the 10-minute grace period, your session will not be extended.
- No-Show policy
- Three (3) “No-Shows” and you will not be allowed to schedule academic coaching services for the remainder of the semester.
- In the event you must cancel or reschedule an appointment, please contact your tutor as soon as possible using teams, email, or text. Coaches will help you with concepts, not complete course assignments for you. They are not content experts and cannot answer questions pertaining to your courses; however, they can answer questions about formatting, grammar, resources, etc.
- Come prepared for your appointment by:
- Attend on your computer
- It is important to be able to access and share information which is not always viable on a cell phone
- Preparing specific questions for your coach
- Bring questions or assignments to appointment
- Attend on your computer