Learner Experience
Learner Experience
To register for the NCLEX, first visit your state board of nursing website and carefully read the instructions for registering for licensure by examination.
- Find out if fingerprints are required before or after testing.
- Do NOT apply for licensure on the state board website until AFTER you take the NCLEX.
- To find your state board of nursing, do a web search for your state board of nursing. The address will end in .org or .gov.
- Ensure that your state board of nursing has your transcripts from the College. If they do not have your transcripts, please contact Registrar@Nightingale.edu.
- Visit https://www.nclex.com/register.page and create an account to register.
- Use the following codes:
- BSN – US38510000
- PN – US38110100
- ASN – US38410000
- CALIFORNIA LEARNERS – On your state application you will be asked for an additional code. That code is E9049.
- Register for the test and the Authorization to Test (ATT)
- Pay the testing fee (approximately $200)
- After your application, fees, and fingerprints (if applicable, depending on your state board requirements), and transcripts are all processed, you will received your Authorization to Test (or ATT) via the NCSBN portal.
- Once you receive your ATT, you can schedule the NCLEX exam.
- If you take and pass the NCLEX on your first attempt within 60 days of graduation, reach out to CareerServices@Nightingale.edu for reimbursement of your testing fee.
**Research has shown that the NCLEX should be taken within 60 days of program completion to increase chances of passing on the first attempt.**