Learner Graduation Fund
Earn $50 Per Completed Credit in the BSN Program!
The Learner Graduation Fund (LGF) gives learners the opportunity to earn as they learn. This fund makes the BSN program more affordable and rewards learners who are committed to completing their degree. All qualified new, current, and readmit undergraduate learners are automatically enrolled in the LGF. Learners will accrue $50 for each completed and earned credit. The credits will accumulate over the course of the learner’s program and will be fully vested and credited to the learner’s ledger upon completion of all program requirements.
In the event that the learner has an institutional loan with the College upon graduation, the accumulated amount will be applied to the outstanding balance of that loan. If the credit results in a surplus, the funds will be distributed to the learner. Learners forfeit all accumulated credits if they have two or more consecutive semesters of nonattendance. However, upon readmittance, learners may be able to begin accruing on completed credits if all other eligibility requirements are met.
Terms and Conditions:
All new, current, and readmit undergraduate learners attending the prelicensure BSN Program, starting in the Spring 2021 semester, will be automatically enrolled in the LGF and accrue, in the individual’s LGF account, $50 for each successfully completed and earned academic semester credit. These funds will accumulate over the course of enrollment in the Program and will become fully vested upon completion of all Program graduation requirements.
The vested LGF amount will be applied to any outstanding ledger and/or institutional loan balances, and if applicable, the remaining funds will be disbursed directly to the learner following the College’s stipend policy. Learners forfeit all accumulated credits if they have two or more consecutive semesters of nonattendance. However, upon readmittance, the learner is automatically reenrolled into the LGF and will begin accruing $50 for each successfully completed and earned academic semester credit.
Transfer credits and courses passed by placement exam do not count towards the LGF. For the earned academic semester credit to qualify for the $50, the credit must count towards graduation and have a passing grade as outlined in the College’s catalog.