National Nurses Week Spotlight

Nightingale College Alumni Spotlight for National Nurses Week 2019.
Logan Sant was among the graduating class of Fall 2018. With the help of Nightingale Collaborators, he was able to plan a surprise proposal to his girlfriend during his graduation. Here is Logan’s story.
Shoshone, Idaho is a small town where I grew up. I was the youngest of 6 children. I have lived and traveled to other cities and served a tour in Iraq. However, rural settings feel most like home for me. When I think about the future, I see me and my new bride, Amanda, living in a house with room for the children we will have, and at least a couple acres for a few animals.
At my nursing school graduation last year, I coordinated a surprise proposal to Amanda. This story would have turned out very differently if I had continued on my original path.
Nursing was the natural progression from my experience as an Army medic. A year after
being honorably discharged I enrolled in a public institution in Twin Falls. A year
and a half and many classes later I was still not placed in their nursing program.
A co-worker was accepted immediately into Nightingale College’s nursing program, so
I ran the numbers and discovered I would be able to graduate an entire year ahead
of schedule if I transferred.
This was my preferred option because I am at a point in life where I do not have
the luxury of time. Amanda and I are ready to purchase our own home and start a family.
Like many veterans, I am self-driven and used to meticulous training. All nursing
programs are most likely considered rigorous, but for me, the shorter option fit best
with where I see my life in the next five years.
I am now a registered nurse and after eight years together, Amanda and I will get
married and plan our life together. Becoming a nurse, a year sooner has better served
myself, my soon to be family and my community.