Summer 2017 Graduation Recap
Those who arrived early to see their nurses graduate were lucky, because by ten minutes till, there wasn’t a spare seat to be found among the 1,500 in the auditorium.
The friends and family in those seats jumped to their feet clapping and whistling as the triumphant procession of graduates entered the room and took their seats.
Fifty-seven Nightingale learners graduated this semester, completing their Associate
Degree in Nursing. As they took their seats, their excitement was more obvious than
kids on Christmas morning.
“It always seems impossible until it is done,” said valedictorian Annie Dilling, quoting Nelson Mandela in her speech. “Well my friends and fellow graduates, we are done.”
Cheers and whoops erupted from the soon-to-be nurses.
What an accomplishment! We are so proud of all these learners who have studied countless hours, sacrificed precious sleep, and dedicated so much of their time and energy to becoming nurses. We know you will be incredible in this noble profession. These graduates will now work towards passing the NCLEX-RN and becoming licensed as registered nurses.
The Faculty and Valedictorian Addresses
After the announcements had been given, Amanda Nussbaum, lead faculty for Twin Falls and assistant professor, gave a moving speech about how nursing isn’t always about how much you know from your textbooks. Most of the time, she said, it’s about how much you demonstrate care to the patient.
She also threw in some punny jokes, after a friend on Facebook told her she would give her $5 for each one she told. We love her attitude.
The valedictorian address, given by Annie Dilling, focused on what it means to truly be a nurse. “Being a nurse is 90% calling and 10% job,” she said. Although there are challenges and demands in the nursing field, it is a profession in which you can truly make a difference. We’re proud of you, Annie.
The Nursing Pinning
After the speeches, a small group of graduates was called to the stage. Their selected family members, dressed in their best, had the honor of presenting them with their nursing pin. The nursing pin is a symbolic medal of honor, and a commitment to treat patients with respect. It is a poignant rite of passage into their nursing career.
Many of the graduates had their children pin them, and one little tyke ran around the stage refusing to leave after his mom was pinned. A few of the graduates tried to catch him, but he ran circles around them until they cornered him.
Other graduates were pinned by their spouses or parents. One graduate had someone stand in for her mother, who has passed on, in a touching tribute.
The Lighting of the Lamps
The lighting of the lamps is a reverent ordeal where the Nightingale graduates light each of their lamps to symbolize the lamp that Florence Nightingale tirelessly carried to and from each sickbed.
“The graduates light the Nursing Lamp as a demonstration of confidence, competence, and compassion and as a promise to meet every professional challenge with utmost skill, sound clinical judgment, and inexhaustible caring,” reads the description.
They then turned to the audience, and with smiling faces and more than a few teary eyes, recited the Florence Nightingale pledge. The pledge says, in part, “I pledge
to care for my patients with all of the knowledge, skills and understanding that I possess, without regard to race, color, creed, politics, or social status.” We know you will, graduates.
What this means for Nightingale
While we celebrate the achievements of the graduates, this graduation is also an accomplishment for Nightingale College. Not only is this the largest graduating
cohort in the school’s history, it also marks the first graduation of the Twin Falls, Idaho DDC. Six graduates came from the Twin Falls DDC, along with 17 from Pocatello, three from Saint George, and 30 from Ogden.
We hope that these new nurses will continue to keep the flame alive as they care for their patients. We look forward to seeing
how they better the health in their communities. Congratulations, graduates! FLAME! FORWARD!