5 Tips to Beat Procrastination
Procrastination is a common struggle for learners. Sometimes there is just so much
to do that we leave things for the last minute. Here are 5 tips to beat procrastination
and help you schedule your day in a way that is productive with no stress.
Plan your day the night before. Having a plan will help you stay on schedule. Knowing what the next day involves can mentally prepare you for the day; not to mention, planning your day the night before gives you some time to prepare for whatever the day entails.
Make your own deadlines. If you have something due, make a deadline to get it done earlier than the assigned due date. Also, break up assignments and tasks into smaller tasks with due dates so you can work on bits and pieces at a time and not leave everything for the last minute.
Do a little morning exercise. Exercising releases endorphins and has been shown to help people be more productive throughout the day.
Make sure you organize your breaks. Try the 10/2/5 hack: 10 minutes of work, 2-minute break, 5 times an hour. Plan what you want to do on your breaks (watch a YouTube video, eat a snack, stretch, read a few pages of a book, check your phone, etc.). It is your time to recharge.
Set up an ideal working environment. Try not to work on the couch or in front of the TV. Set up an office space, go to the library, or go to a place with limited distractions. And although it may be hard, make sure all mobile devices are turned to silent and away from your work space.
If you need more help with procrastination or study skills in general, contact the LALR department. Happy studying!